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What kind of images are in the member area?
Well, I am very tolerant against every kind of taste. Nevertheless i have to admit that the most scenes take place because I believe them to be erotic. If not my models design the scene (what happens now and then) I normally try to generate asthetic bondage of fetish images. I also believe that asthetic pornography exists and such tries you will find here too.
Images from ART to HARD
How many images from Sir X are published here?
The model galleries contain about 5000 images (As of: March 2003). With some models a short movie clip or a Quicktime VR movie exists. Every month I present between 50 and 100 new images with a new model or couple. It is important to know that only the last 12 shootings are always completely available. The older shootings are available in rotation in the archive models section. If you regularly visit Sir X you will get to see them all.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Sir X did regular bondage and sm sessions for over 10 years to be able to show you exclusive images of high quality. To be able to
concentrate more on other projects, Sir X will not provide any more regular new image Updates on this page after 2008.
But of course, you will continue to find erotic stories, unique image material and the possibility to exchange yourself
with other members here on this site.
Are there other possibilities to see images of Sir X?
Seldomly, yes, for example in "Schlagzeilen" (Quite a few title images). This is a german SM magazin. Sometimes I allow other sites to show a few of my images. This is mainly for advertisement reasons. The big part of my images can only be seen here though.
Why a membership?
To visualize my ideas I use a whole bunch of time and money. One shooting does cost easily more than 1000 Euro. The Underwater Bondage for example did cost about 10000 Euro although the models and helpers worked for free. This is a lot of money for about 20 images. These expenses I try to compensate with the membership fee.
In spite of other erotik sites I really bring in an effort, so that i believe that a membership fee is really justified for my site.
The password that is bought here is not just valid on this site, but on so many other erotik sites as well.
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